Dogma : Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

I hate it when white guys who have to be seen as hip allow such utter nonsense as Rufus's "Jesus was black" malarkey into the script. That is so weak and dishonest just like the black Pharaoh afrocentric rubbish. LOL, Cleopatra, a full blooded Ptolemaic Greek, was not black no matter how many times some barely literate celeb says so. Bad enough he let the "God is a woman" meme slip in, but this is utter trash that no one takes seriously. I mean most like God would not have a sex period, but why a woman?

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Well he would've been Arabic. So not black per se, but I think the point is that the 20th century images of Jesus as a white guy with Caucasian features are ridiculous. You're being pretty melodramatic calling this weak and dishonest!!

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

I mean most like God would not have a sex period, but why a woman?

I don't see you bitching about all the male versions of god. Just the woman. Typical childishness.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Typical childishness is exemplified by your stupid pointless comment. The male version of God is merely the stock version, aka the stereotype. If god did exist, and it wasn't human or corporeal, why would it have a sex period?

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Typical childishness is exemplified by your stupid pointless comment.

A perfect summary of your entire post.

Plus, if you'd paid attention, Rufus specifically says God isn't really a woman.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Do me a favor, shove off

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Um, no. If you don't want people correcting you, then don't post incorrect information. Or childish drivel.

I mean, you nailed racist and sexist in just one post. That's pretty advanced for someone your age.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Excuse me, but what did I get incorrect? And how is it sexist to point out the person who played god was a woman? Nor if Jesus did exist, he wouldn't have been black. BTW, I actually thought Rufus was the best character in that over-rated movie next to George Carlin.
So you are justifying you being a petty little douchebag by claiming you are fighting racism & sexism? You are just another little self righteous but
useless SJW.
Not only does your attitude stink, but you have a smug weak little baby face that just begs to be spat in, or better yet ground into the pavement like a wet cigar butt
So shove off, scumbag!

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Excuse me, but what did I get incorrect?

"Plus, if you'd paid attention, Rufus specifically says God isn't really a woman."

You have to read everything I type.

And how is it sexist to point out the person who played god was a woman? Nor if Jesus did exist, he wouldn't have been black.

Little boy, little boy. Clearly you have a problem with women and blacks. Just accept yourself. You'll be happier. An open bigot, but a happy one.

BTW, I actually thought Rufus was the best character in that over-rated movie

If only you'd paid attention to him.

You are just another little self righteous but
useless SJW.

That's just what sexist racists say when they've been called out on their sexism and racism.

So shove off, scumbag!

Sorry, son, but these aren't your boards.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Are you working for extra credit points in some baloney liberal arts activist course by doing SJW attacks on comment boards?
Nowhere did that guy say anything that was in the least denigrating of women. And regardless of what Rufus said, Alana Morsette played god, and at last report, bingo she is a woman
And finally, he is correct more than you, you are a self righteous bore of amazing proportions, Just a killjoy doosh

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Uh-oh, now there's two of them. Bigots love to have each others' backs.

such utter nonsense as Rufus's "Jesus was black"

A black Jesus is nonsense to this guy.

"God is a woman" meme slip in, but this is utter trash that no one takes seriously.

God being a woman is utter trash to him, not god having a sex, but specifically that God would be a woman. Sounds pretty denigrating to me.

Next time, don't defend a racist sexist. It makes you a racist sexist by default. Bad enough your use of SJW already shows you as a bigot.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

All I see is a self righteous SJW killjoy who can't come up with anything insightful or pleasant, so he tosses out baseless accusations. What he called trash most likely refers to the lazy screenwriting, not the concept. Only a mental midget or a rabid ideologue can turn it into something sinister
God is traditionally portrayed as a man, if at all. It is a convention. He didn't seem upset by it, but only a total pig like you would spew garbage that he is a sexist for noticing it.

And black Jesus concept, which flows from the Black Israelites movement. is a racist faux historical concept and movement in itself. Those BHI nutz believe all the "real" Jews, their ancestors, all fled to West Africa in 70 AD, then colonized the New World before even the Vikings. They call today's Jews "fake" Jews and say crap that only a complete Nazi would say about the Jews. So you are a racist moron here for backing that sort of fantasy masquerading as history. Your innate smugness blinds you to your massive ignorance.

You are not just a SJW, but an arrogant, stupid mean little person. Lots' of people use the term SJW, yet a twerp like you defends your vice by claiming that calling you for what you are makes me a bigot. You are a classic SJW bag and not 1/20th as smart as you imagine. So spare me your BS labels. You can polish your SJW halo all you want, but you can't make feces shine!

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Quite a bigoted tirade you went off on. Thanks for proving me right.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

So instead of actually researching a bit about what I said about the BHI and their fantasy history you just dismissed it all out of hand by labeling me a bigot, No, you stupid little pile of trash, you are not only the bigot here, but a complete ignoramus. You are a one trick pony. All you seem to be able to do is shoot out accusations of one ism or another. So your PC SJW pea brain will never grow since it shuts down and then you start shooting out labels to prevent it from ever growing!

You are quite the typical SJW warrior scumbag of scant real intelligence, but lots of pretensions of both intellect and virtue. But I guess there are enough of your breed to support your douchebaggerish world view.

And as far as bigots go, a non thinker like you exemplifies that term in its native definition. Anyone who doesn't buy into your cheap PC mindset is evil or fallen. Which makes you the modern equivalent of the old fashioned religiously based definition of a bigot. A narrow minded rigid little person who can't tolerate any deviance in his creed's orthodoxy. All other religions or even different interpretations of his own are met with hostility, derision and condemnation

In short, you are as stupid little fanatic and your opinion is garbage to match. You are also a profoundly uneducated person since that cranial trash can of yours won't tolerate anything that runs against your dime store ideology. You truly are a contemptible little person.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

And as far as bigots go, a non thinker like you exemplifies that term in its native definition. Anyone who doesn't buy into your cheap PC mindset is evil or fallen. Which makes you the modern equivalent of the old fashioned religiously based definition of a bigot.

That's just what old fashioned bigots spit out because they know they're a dying breed.

Smerdy, you are embarrassing yourself.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

That's just what old fashioned bigots spit out because they know they're a dying breed.
So you admit you a bigot, but a modern sort of one. Sure, you got it all figured out. Too bad your skull is armor plated!

Excuse me, but if I am a bigot, then what religion or ideology does your brain think I am promoting, you pretentious and hypocritical dimwit? I know what your religion is, PC SJW ignorance.

So on the page with the definition of "PC SJW", they have your pathetic and insipid mug as the archetype. Even your screen name with "Preach" reeks of moralizing hypocrisy. STFU and listen once in a while and you may learn something

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

So you admit you a bigot,

I a bigot? But you a bigot more.

Excuse me, but if I am a bigot, then what religion or ideology does your brain think I am promoting, you pretentious and hypocritical dimwit?

Defending Jake's bigotry. Plus, only bigots think PC or SJW is an insult. Like homophobes who still use "gay" in a derogatory manner. You really should join us in 2016. It's nice here. We've got streaming video, smartphones, and even potential space travel.

So on the page with the definition of "PC SJW", they have your pathetic and insipid mug as the archetype.

I think you're confused. That's actually Nathan Fillion.

Smerdy, seriously, now, you're shaming your whole family.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Plus, only bigots think PC or SJW is an insult

Wow, that is classic SJW circular douchebag "logic". No, people who actually try to think and reason are appalled by shallow kneejerk SJW twerps like you & your type.

Actually, I couldn't care less about the other guy, I am here NOW to attack a fascist moralizing little phony like you. You are not just the typical SJW, but the mold they are made from. Your whole MO consists of just throwing ism cards at people instead of thinking.

Not only do I use the same technology that you claim I don't use. Regardless of any of that, that technology doesn't make you or I any better or smarter than anyone else. Honestly, that is so lame & childish. All that shows is that you are just a braindead trendoid who has to constantly update your mind with the latest PC buzz words and phrases. Which is easy for you since there isn't much inside your head to change.
So go preach to the rest of your clueless simple minded set. To me, you are a kneejerk bigot spitting out stale catchwords and phrase.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

No, people who actually try to think and reason are appalled by shallow kneejerk SJW twerps like you & your type.

Nah, only bigots.

I am here NOW to attack a fascist moralizing little phony like you.

That is the cutest, most adorable thing I've read today. You think your tirades constitute attacks? Sweetie, you're a faceless textbox. Plus, "like you" implies someone else. Who else are you "attacking" on this post?

Regardless of any of that, that technology doesn't make you or I any better or smarter than anyone else.

Of course, not. My present-day attitude makes me better than you.

Seriously, now you're embarrassing all your ancestors too. Keep it up, and even your descendants will be forever shamed.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

"Nah, only bigots. "

Like I said b4 ,you moralizing phony preacher, your whole SJW "logical" system is completely circular and self contained. Any deviance from it is wrong think. You are right out of Mao's Red Guard.

Of course, not. My present-day attitude makes me better than you.

Your self righteousness and ignorance aren't virtues, except to you and your fellow cretinous SJW douchebags!

All you do is vomit out accusations but no substance. But keep preaching, you phony!

I have to give up on you and this thread because all I want to do is pound your pointy ugly little head in, and that isn't good for me to think such black thoughts.
So I'll let you get the last word in, you little twerp, because I know a self righteous twat like you have to have the last word. You are incapable of conceding the smallest point which is why you will always be ignorant.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Smerdy, you're drunk and making a fool of yourself. But I applaud your bravery in admitting defeat. That's the first step in a long journey for you.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Sorry, I couldn't resist, so eff you sucker!
Guess what, you stupid bag of hot air? I don't drink, use any drugs or even smoke cigs. So that last cheap shot of yours is trash like the rest of your idiotic SJW PC accusations.

Here some facts to fill up your near empty cranial septic tank with. I got this from a bunch of SJW douchebags like you so this should shock you. They polled potential voters for the 2016 and even 67% of the DEMOCRATIC voters said there was too much PC in the US and it stymies debate. Naturally more Republicans believed that, but 2/3s of the Democrats. Are those your prototypical angry white bigots too? Also, this whole season of South Park is dedicated to taking down smug SJW turds like you as well. So face it, your types are not only not smart nor decent, you are not even popular. So you must live in a bubble or hive of SJWs

But I guess the way your juvenile brain will process that is that they are all bigots too. Yes, you are a little brat. You know everything, you are more virtuous than the rest of us. (By what standards IDK, not that I am a great role model myself) People who don't like you feel that way because they are bad people. You are the apple of your mommy's eye so the rest of the world is wrong. You know all the buzzwords and even your vocabulary is screened by the Huff Post for PC sterility.
Face it, you are just one plumb ignorant twat. Just a toy cannon firing off ism accusations

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

You're drunk again, aren't you? Sorry, but I refuse to believe your behavior is that of a sober person.

Of course you couldn't resist; you have no conviction. Most bigots don't. And now, all your future descendants will look on at your multiple tirades and weep with shame. For shame, smerdy. For shame.

Don't Waste your time with such trash

I work with many of his breed. And trust me, besides wearing their tolerance like a halo, they are the least honest, decent, and some of hte most selfish rude people around. They have no respect for not only basic concepts of honesty or courtesy, they are utterly untrustworthy. Yet they know every buzzword and the opinions of some brainless rapper or movie star trumps any scholar or expert in the field. In short, they make my lame generation look good.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

It amazes me that you fail to comprehend the satire and get all bent out of shape over a SATIRICAL MOVIE!!!

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Honestly when I first saw the movie, I really loved it. Then the more I got to know about Kevin Smith, the more I got to dislike him and everything he did. I guess Jersey Girl was the turning point. He has some man boy crush on Ben Affleck

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Who knew that Mao Tse Dong was black too.

I myself is half blackthe bottom half.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Cleopatra, a full blooded Ptolemaic Greek

Now by that you mean her great grat greatgranddad was a greek and the rest of the ancestors egyptian (inbreeding there aswell off course)

The normal humans used to make the jewsus myth would have looked just like everyone else int he area at the time and what most look like a west bank jew/muslim. NOT WHITE LIKE RELIGION LIKES TO PRETEND LOL

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Well Jesus would have looked like hmmm, a Jew or some neighbor of theirs in his time would've looked like. Dark skinned, most like curly hair, sort of oily. Whatever. The Jews of that time would not have looked like Sub Saharan Africans. All that black hebroo israelite rubbish is pure bunk

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Unlikely one of the people where black who the jewsus stories where based on. there was blacks there aswell.

The reason he called jewsus black is Catholic Religion, look at any picture of their jewsus (an abomination the same level of sin as homosexuality LOL) WHITE AS CAN BE, Those graven statues in ever church (also and abomination) as usually cut aswell LOL check out thos abs! Also seen any virgin mary (virgin being any birth int he first 2 years of marriage) LOL WHITE AS!

Also the black disciple being written out - talking about the massive editing that has been done on the bible

Thats the point he would trying to make

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

The bible had no pictures in it. Any drawings and sculptures of Jesus were based on contemporary people that the artists were familiar with, which usually meant they were whites.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Any drawings and sculptures of Jesus were

Still EVEN TODAY the christians esp cathoholice who want to be right want their god to be pale white. If you tell fundies he wasnt white they can turn violent, they dont want a middle eastern looking jewsus.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Any drawings and sculptures of Jesus were

Still EVEN TODAY the christians esp cathoholics who want to be right want their god to be pale white. If you tell fundies he wasnt white they can turn violent, they dont want a middle eastern looking jewsus.

Re: Spare Us the Black Jesus Rubbish

Unlikely one of the people where black who the jewsus stories where based on. there was blacks there aswell.

The reason he called jewsus black is Catholic Religion, look at any picture of their jewsus (an abomination the same level of sin as homosexuality LOL) WHITE AS CAN BE, Those graven statues in ever church (also and abomination) as usually cut aswell LOL check out thos abs! Also seen any virgin mary (virgin being any birth int he first 2 years of marriage) LOL WHITE AS!

Also the black disciple being written out - talking about the massive editing that has been done on the bible

Thats the point he would be trying to make