Groundhog Day : Rita is a prentetious douche

Rita is a prentetious douche

How can someone fall for a girl so pretentious and self-righteous? "I only toast to world peace and read french poetry and anyone who doesn't do the same is a loser" like come on!!

Re: Rita is a prentetious douche

Lol, I felt the same way about her. I even wrote this response to the "Anybody else hate Andi Mcdowells character Rita?" thread:

OMG, I hate her too! She absolutely ruins what is otherwise a very good comedy! She's so snooty, stuck-up and full of herself! Especially in these scenes:

Phil and Rita have a drink. She asks him they should toast to. He jokingly says the "groundhog." She turns her nose up and says, "I always drink to world peace." Bitch, why ask him if you're just going to dump on whatever he says that's contrary to what you *wanted* him to say?! She doesn't even thank him for buying her a drink.

Another scene involves Phil sitting down to eat a table full of food. Rita just sits, looking down on him, and starts insulting him in verse In verse Just because the guy is eating a lot I seriously wanted to slap her in this scene.

And all those adjectives when she was listing her "perfect" guy, Blegh! I agreed with Phil, "This is a man we're talking about, right?" No guy is ever going to be "perfect" much less the paragon she's look for. She seriously needed to get over herself!

I wish this movie wasn't a "romance." There's not much romance to begin with and it just ruins the movie.

Re: Rita is a prentetious douche

Lol, I felt the same way about her. I even wrote this response to the "Anybody else hate Andi Mcdowells character Rita?" thread:

OMG, I hate her too! She absolutely ruins what is otherwise a very good comedy! She's so snooty, stuck-up and full of herself! Especially in these scenes:

Phil and Rita have a drink. She asks him they should toast to. He jokingly says the "groundhog." She turns her nose up and says, "I always drink to world peace." Bitch, why ask him if you're just going to dump on whatever he says that's contrary to what you *wanted* him to say?! She doesn't even thank him for buying her a drink.

Another scene involves Phil sitting down to eat a table full of food. Rita just sits, looking down on him, and starts insulting him in verse In verse Just because the guy is eating a lot I seriously wanted to slap her in this scene.

And all those adjectives when she was listing her "perfect" guy, Blegh! I agreed with Phil, "This is a man we're talking about, right?" No guy is ever going to be "perfect" much less the paragon she's look for. She seriously needed to get over herself!

I wish this movie wasn't a "romance." There's not much romance to begin with and it just ruins the movie.

Re: Rita is a prentetious douche

I agree. In fact, that seems to be Andi McDowell all over. I find her to be very dislikable in every film I see her in when we're supposed to like her. She's the same in Green Card.