How High : Why do people smoke ganja?

Why do people smoke ganja?


I shot the sheriff and the goddamn deputy

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Cos it rocks. Ever tried it?

'Hippies.They're everywhere.They wanna save the Earth but all they do is smoke pot & smell bad.'

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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

first off why are you named as a planet Saturn17 you little dumbass, and who cares if someone smokes it isn't hurting you at all and just because you have'nt tried it doesn't mean that all the people who have should be "purged" from the earth you are a person who doesn't know crap and never will if he doesn't try anything, so grow a pair and try something your not soppused to. Oh ya why do you say *beep* all the time its kinda riddicoulous if your gonna swear friggan do it

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Why do ppl always respond to him when he posts, just ignore him and he will eventually go away

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

are you some kind of fucck? weed is the greatest substance on the planet, next to pizza lol

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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Hahaha, drug addict! Does this mean that everyone who smokes pot is a junkie?
The law on drugs is seriously messed up in America.
Why is weed in the same class as Heroine, yet cocaine is schedule 2?
Perhaps it's due to the ignorance of a few red necks, who actually believe it funds terrorism.

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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

poor saturn is just pissed because he cant afford himself a bag

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

So they can lock up black people, with the introduction of crack its so blatant.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

You got it wrong there, beats pizza anyday.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Because it's more fun to anger him. It's like poking a bee's nest that contains some extremely lame-ass bees.


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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

LMFAOOOOO this id bballboy is enraaaaged

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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

to the original poster.. i've totally seen you on another board for stoner movies asking this exact same question!
fag it's just herb

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

cuz it rocks


Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

potheads suck. ive knwn a few. they are soout of it, and they hurtig themselvez.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Being a pothead isn't that cool, I mean there are other things in life besides weed. That said lighting up every once in a while never hurt anyone.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

ok first of all

original poster: it's amazing and it frees ur mind.

To the rest of u cannabis haters..


ok weed is not that bad. the only thing bad about it is smokin it. eating it, or boiling it gets rid of all health risks.

"potheads suck" oh wow judgemental bitch. Weed can be a good thing, and if u werent an ignorant mental slave to the set rules of society, u would prolly kno that.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

if you smoke weed once a week it doesen't meen you are a pot head.WTF

you antidepresive takin' a$$ M*&^%$#F*&^%$
you don't have to smoke it.

i know rich guys wearing suits that respect themselvs who smoke weed once in a while.

smoke1.gif got w33d

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

doing it once in a while is not bad

i do it like once every few months just to chill

but i do know people who have gone too far with potonce you start skipping school or coming to school high and you start losing your best friend(me) because all you ever talk about is how great this pot was you smoked yesterday, well thats when pot starts being a bad thing

it does have more benefits than cigarettes

questions? comments? concerns? expressions of love?

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Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

u should be asking why people smoke cigarettes those are much worse. (and cigarettes are legal!)

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

all i can say is: when you work security pot gets u through tough times lmao. which is ever day

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

This thread title made me lol.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

because its fun its tasty it makes you chill and i also have ms

Even saw the lights of the goodyear blimp and it read Sayuri's a pimp. Damn today was a good day

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

I don't smoke.but I have nothing against it. weed smokers make the best movies &

popeye has ate his spinach

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

what a stupid question.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

Just like LadyLovie pointed out, I think you would be surprised at how many of your favorite entertainers smoke green.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.

Re: Why do people smoke ganja?

To get high.

Here's why…

It relaxes ya mind my friend. Helps you take some time off from the daily stress. It creates very positive vibes in me, can't say the same for alcohol or nicotine.