General Hospital : Characters most in need of a re-cast

Characters most in need of a re-cast

1. Maxie. I really want the character written off, but if the writers are going to keep her around, I wish she would be re-cast. This is a one-note character with no depth or complexity, which I have to attribute to poor acting.

2. Lulu. ER has made me really dislike this character, and over time she has gotten shriller and more abrasive. It's almost impossible to sympathize with Lulu the way she has been portrayed by this actress.

3. Kristina. The actress did a fair job when she was a child, but now she over-acts and whines and it grates on the nerves. There is nothing likeable left to this charactertime to find an actress who can bring some depth and maturity to the role.

4. Dr. Andre. Not a terrible actor, but bland and boring no matter what he does.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

Totally agree with the first 3 but I like Andre.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I don't believe in recasting, if a character isn't working out, don't bother with a recast, just get rid of the character completely.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

Well, in that case we would never have had all those years of Monica, Heather, Laura, or Rick

I think Storms and Ainsworth are among the worst actors on the show. Rylan isn't so much bad as miscast. I can take or leave Andre, he is a terribly developed character, but I also think there is some potential and the actor is just not bringing enough passion or fire to the screen to compensate for the bad acting. Perhaps someone else could do better.

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Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

He's a rare emotionally mature character but has no depth nor fire. he's the Obama of soapland. Curtis is so much richer and w more potential.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

The first three I'd just assume be written off entirely. Maxie might be salvageable with a recast, but the other two have been totally ruined for me.

I like Andre though, both the character and the actor that plays him.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

Lulu. Ugh. I hate calling her that. JMB just needs to come back.
Maxie because I always hated the actress voice when she talked.

Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I wish JB would come back a Lulu as well. The current one comes off too sanctimonious.

As for Maxie, I'd much rather Molly Burnett in the role. Somehow I actually cared what was going on with the character the short time she was in the role.

Also might as well recast Cam to Joss's age since Spencer & Emma are gone.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I wish that Robyn Richards would return. Even when they wrote Maxie as a brat, she was always sympathetic.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I never minded her voice because she voiced a character on one of my absolute favorite cartoons, Kim Possible.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I like Andre and the actor. Different strokes for different folks.

Do you think we would still be rooting for Valentin if JMB was Lulu given the same lines? I think so. She doesn't bother me.

Kristina/Lexi Ainsworth doesn't bother me as much as the majority of this board. However I agree she's bratty. Making Alexis' drinking all about her was a jaw on the floor moment for me. I was likewhaaa? I like her better than Lindsey Morgan by a long shot. (Waiting for Auto to disagree, but I can take it. haha)

I'm not much of a fan of recasts especially someone who has been in the character as long as Kirsten Storms. But if it's not Jen Lilley, I rather just get rid of the character. I don't dislike Kirsten Storms, but it seemed like she was a better actor years ago than she is today.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

If JMB were Lulu I would still be rooting for Valentin, but I would hate Lulu a lot less. So a recast would balance things out better.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

Julie Berman was a HORRIBLE Lulu, it was during her tenure that Lulu got the nickname 'Shrew-Lu', because of the way that Berman would shrilly scream her dialogue whenever Lulu was supposed to be expressing anger.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

Andre I can take or leave.

I may be in the majority but I much prefer the Lulu we have now. I didn't like JMB. I thought the only time she wasn't bland was when she was being a brat. I actually started liking Lulu after EM took the part. However, I am still rooting for Valentin. Normally I would never advocate from keeping a parent away from their child be it mother or father, but Lulu has handles this situation so badly I actually hope Valentin gets full custody and keeps Charlotte away from Lulu for a couple years until Charlotte is a little more able to deal with things. I think Lulu has been totally selfish in regards to Charlotte and if Lulu were to get custody and Charlotte was torn away from Valentin and forced to be with Lule it might traumatize her in away she might never completely recover from and that Charlotte would hate Lulu forever. I think Lulu needs to back off and take some time to prove to Valentin that she can be trusted around Charlotte and hope that Valentin will then come around.

Kristina has been pretty useless for awhile. She is just not an interesting character. They tried to make her interesting by doing a bisexual story, but it didn't work. I just had a hard time buying it to be honest.

Kirsten Storms really doesn't bother me. I agree with the board that Maxie uses poor judgement a lot, but I don't dislike her. On the other hand I really wouldn't miss her either. Personally I never understood why Maxie and Nathan haven't moved to Portland to be near Georgie. Nathan can be a cop anywhere and he has money so they would be fine until he got established in Portland. I realize they both have strong ties in PC, but I would think Georgie would come first. Maybe it's a little judgemental but that is the one thing that really does bother me about Maxie. I would think a mother would want to be close to her child even if she didn't have primary custody and I get Nathan is in PC and it can be just difficult to be away from someone you're in love with, but I would think if Nathan really loves her that he'd be willing to go with Maxie so she could be close to her daughter.

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I agree with choices: 1, 3, and 4, but Lulu doesn't really bother me

Re: Characters most in need of a re-cast

I totally dislike both Andre and Griffin. So perhaps recasting those two would make me like the characters better. The actor who plays Andre is the dullest actor. The actor who plays Griffin makes the character come off very arrogant.