General Hospital : Ava's not an idiot

Ava's not an idiot

It would of been nice to have Ava question Curtis about him and Jordan having the same last name. She of all people should be curious why someone related (even by marriage) to the commissioner would be at her art gallery.

Re: Ava's not an idiot

The better question is who in their right mind would pay $20,000 for that crappy painting?

I suppose Franco's art doesn't rake in the bucks.

Re: Ava's not an idiot

I think she was playing him. She could smell the BS a mile off.

I wonder if Ava ever gave Jordan her severance pay

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Re: Ava's not an idiot

Why should being related to Jordan send up a red flag for her? Is there some law that people who are related to police commissioners aren't allow to visit art galleries? Ava running is a legitimate business, and I don't mean a 'legitimate' business like Sonny's coffee importing which is just a front for organized crime, but an actual legitimate business.