Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator : looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

i just wonder if Christian Bale was inspired by Marc Gator

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Re: looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

Give me a break.
Expand on how Bale looked and behaves like this murdering, rapist twit.
The role of Patrick Bateman, based on a book mind you, is a Wall Street yuppie born into money. Bateman murders women (and men and children in the book) because he is a psychopathic sociopath. He is also delusional. I see absolutley no connection between the two.
But of course I don't know everything.
So please expand on your statements.
Maybe I missed something here.

Re: looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

I want to second AmSyco13 -

Can I just add that Patrick Bateman is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
Mark Roginski, sadly, is not.

Did you see or read American Psycho? The subject matter is no where near the same as what REALLY happened with Mark Rogowski. The Patrick Bateman character never *really* kills anyoneare you aware of that - ?? (IF you think he does kill, rewatch the film again or better yet, read the book).

It's like asking: "I wonder if Mark Rogowski was inspired by Ferris Beuller " - because Mark wears sunglasses and sits in a law chair in a beret in the one portion of "Stoked". The correlation is just unfounded.

Re: looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

you got me completely wrong here.
i have read the book and seen the film (american psycho). I know that Bateman is a fictional character.
Christian Bale played this character and the way he did it, he looked like Rogowski.
When I saw Stoked, it directly reminded me of Christian Bale in American Psycho. That's all I wanted to say.

Re: looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

The book American Psycho was written years before Mark Rogowski commited murder so I doubt it was based on him.

Re: looks and behaves like Christian Bale in American Psycho

He doesn't mean that the character is based off of Mark Rogowski. He means that Christian Bale was inspired by how Mark acted in real life and used that for his character in American Psycho. For exampleJohnny Depp in Ed Wood. Ed Wood was a real life person but Depp was inspired by The Tin Man from the wizard of oz, Casey Kasum and Ronald Reagan for the character in the movie.

"who needs reasons when you have heroin?"