Asylum : Barbara's pills
Re: Barbara's pills
LSD ? One thing that seemed clear to me was that her taking the piulls caused her to become schizophrenic. As soon as she takes them, Lucy shows up. The first time I saw the story, I was taken completely by surprise at the ending. As it's the only story in the film without any supernatural elements, it's also, in a way, the MOST disturbing.
Re: Barbara's pills
Excellent point. Clearly she was having hallucinations, and the pills probably contributed to that (though I'm not familiar with LSD in capsule form).
Re: Barbara's pills
Most definitely a hallucinogen IMHO, as "Lucy" appears immediately after Barbara takes them.
Re: Barbara's pills
One thing that seemed clear to me was that her taking the piulls caused her to become schizophrenic
Barbara wasn't schizophrenic she had a split personality which is something completely different.
Re: Barbara's pills
I think it might have been some sort of amphetamine
Re: Barbara's pills
I'm late to the game but I always thought that the pills kept her from seeing Lucy which is why she didn't want her to take them.
Re: Barbara's pills
eightbitsofhorror, exactly! That was my interpretation as well.
Re: Barbara's pills
But didn't her brother also want her to not take the pills?
Barbara's pills