Degrassi High : Who was your least favorite character?

Who was your least favorite character?

Mine was easily CaitlynI know they wanted to portray her as the popular, pretty and talented star of the school but I saw her as whiney, snobby, manipulative and spoilt.

Looks wise she was okaaaay, but there were better looking girls, and her attitude towards Maya was annoying, like Maya was supposed to look up to her as she was just some unfortunate in a wheelchair.

Anyway, I know its just a show - but who was your least favorite character and why?

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

She came off as very snobby. My least favorite is Liz. Totally obnoxious.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

1. Alex Yankou - he looked like he had awful b.o.
2. The chick with the skinhead haircut. I just know she was into racist *beep*

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

LD, I couldn't stand her especially when an episode is all about her.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

I usually didn't mind Caitlin but there was one time she really bothered me. In the last episode, her and Joey were meeting at the dance and Joey was fretting because she was late even though he said that she was always late. He eventually decides to go to the bathroom to fix his hair and sees Dwayne in there upset. They have a heart to heart talk causing Joey to spend more time in there than he intended.

Meanwhile Caitlin has arrived and is mad that Joey stood her up. Maya suggests that maybe he got sick of waiting and went home. She says "He knows I'm always late!" and keeps fuming about him. Then Joey returns and all is well.

What right does Caitlin have to get mad at Joey?! She was the one who was late!

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Liz by far, she never seemed to change throughout the series and remained the overly righteous stick up her ass girl she was when they first showed her.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

I really did not like Kathleen. She was a b- (for lack of a better word).

She was more than willing to cut anyone down to size.
She was always right (in her mind).
She believed everything she was told about anyone.

Having said that, in the episode "Bottled Up", I did actually feel a little bit sorry for her when her mother slapped her.

As well, in "Degrassi High", when she was in that rocky relationship with Scott, I did feel a little sorry for her. No one deserves that kind of abuse.even someone like Kathleen.

Joker's Wilde

Anyone here like the Human League?

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Spoiled, not spoilt.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?


Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Kathleen and Liz.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

You're just jealous that Kathleen has willpower and you don't.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Kathleen and LD

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Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Dwayne's friends

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Wheels' pesky grandmother. Considering Wheels had lost both of his (adoptive) parents - whom he deeply respected and admired, her behaviour towards him was both despicable and unconscionable.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

I was just watching an episode last night (possibly "A Tangled Web"? Can't remember too well) where she told Wheels something like, "I'm glad [your mother] isn't around to see the person you're becoming" that was just cruel. :/

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Liz. She could not put herself in the position of someone else and judged them just because of her background (Erica's abortion). She was very selfish and narrow-minded.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

No, Liz felt abortion was wrong. Abortion itself is selfish, and Liz was simply stating Her point of view. If Erica didn't want to get knocked up then She should have kept Her legs closed, She should deal with the consequences of Her actions rather than just cop out by killing Her baby.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Lucy. Very quick to feel superior to others & eager to be In Control, as when she "directed" the music video.

Didn't break my heart when she was hurt in the car crash.

Marriage is between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Derek (it's not my fault) "Wheels" Wheeler.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Definitely Kathleen and Liz. Kathleen was a stuck up little bitch. She ALWAYS had something snooty or ugly to say, or some gossip to spread. I know she was probably acting out due to her alcoholic mom, but somehow, that doesn't change my opinion of her much. She was such a sourpuss!! Liz was like a snobby punk, like she thought she was more sophisticated because she had that ugly punk haircut.
I didn't exactly hate LD, but she was annoying.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

NANCY - that annoying keener that every high school had. Was never invited to parties but showed up anyway. Lol

TIM - closet case

LIZ - same reasons as other people stated

Heather & Erica has such an annoying Whitney voice. Drove me crazy. They were so dramatic

DWAYNE - just nasty

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

**whiney voice

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

Heather & Erica has such an annoying Whitney voice. Drove me crazy. They were so dramatic

I noticed that but it did not really bother me until they were not in a few episodes. Quite a difference without their presence and I did not miss them at all.

You are right. They said their dialogue very dramatically.

Re: Who was your least favorite character?

BLT. He treated Michelle like crap.

Mine was easily Caitlyn…I know they wanted to portray her as the popular, pretty and talented star of the school but I saw her as whiney, snobby, manipulative and spoilt.
Bite your tongue! Caitlyn was perfect!

You're from the future?Well that's brilliant!Do they still have sandwiches there?