Saturday Night Live : Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

No matter how you spin it. He's been at war longer than any other president, with a wopping 24,287 bombs dropped on Syria and Iraq. But the loony NY liberals choose to ignore that, and praise him for what trans bathrooms? This is why TRUMP won. The REAL people between New York and LA saw thru this crap.

Re: Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

You mean the war that Republican George W. Bush got us into??

Re: Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

I believe samody meant those TWO WARS that George W. Bush got us into.

And you're right - all those people in NY and LA are all Westworld people. Not real at all.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.

Re: Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

Cool story, bro. Come join us here in NYC for a while. You'll feel better. Oh, and turn off Fox News.

Re: Obama is the biggest warmonger we've ever had…

But wasn't LBJ responsible for getting us deeper into the Vietnam conflict?