Years of the Beast : This Movie ruined my childhood.

This Movie ruined my childhood.

I spent my entire school days (kindergarten thru high school) in Christian schools. I have nothing bad to say about the schools. The education was excellent. That said, for some reason, we had to watch these Tribulation films. Talk about nightmares! Why on earth would they make children watch these very scary films?! If they wanted me to be scared into religion, well they succeeded. I am close to my faith, but that's my choice not a low budget film. But please don't make children watch these movies. It's too scary.

Re: This Movie ruined my childhood.

I second your post. I've never seen this film but I saw Thief in the Night and A Distant Thunder at age 7 and not only did they wreck my childhood but my adulthood as well. Seriously. I don't think I'll ever get over these fears, even at times when I am feeling close to God.


~ G l Gdes! ~