The Soapbox : Why do libs/feminists consume dairy, which stems from raping females?
Re: Why do libs/feminists consume dairy, which stems from raping females
weak trolling
Re: Why do libs/feminists consume dairy, which stems from raping females
what a femnazi rant.
Too Bad You Can't Cure A Psychotic With A Right Hook.
Too Bad You Can't Cure A Psychotic With A Right Hook.
Why do libs/feminists consume dairy, which stems from raping females?
-Females are captured, enslaved, force to live in captivity without consent.
-Tied up while someone inserts a tube into their vagina without consent (literal definition of rape: "activity carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent.
-Kept pregnant their entire lives only to produce milk for human consumption.
-Babies are taken away shortly after birth (literal definition of kidnapping: "take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.")
-Babies are killed and often turned into veal. They're lives are merely created so people can drink milk. A drink outweighs a living being.
No one can call themselves a liberal, feminist, pro-life or supporter of equal rights by paying someone to rape females and kidnap and kill their babies. It seems that people only care about liberal social issues until it becomes too inconvenient for their everyday life. It's easy to participate in a protest one a year, or rant on a Facebook post about how cops target the black community, but when it comes to actually LIVING by your issues to where it requires difficult daily changes, NOPE - "I'll just be a liberal feminist activist on my time when it's easy."
Look I get it. You think milk and cheese are good and yum-yum for your tum-tum. But you just can't do things in life that make you feel good when you're hurting others and damaging the family unit, okay? Besides the moral implications, milk is meant for babies, okay? Adults are not suppose to drink milk, okay? So man up and let go of your mom's teat already, okay? Milk is naturally addictive as it's designed to keep babies hooked on it to grow - that's why adult humans consume it - but this addiction goes away in time.
You're never fully dressed without a smile.