The Soapbox : How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?


Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

5 yr old maybe

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

I don't drink coffee, but i think I was 9 or 10 when I tried it.


Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

I never started. I don't really ever drink coffee.

The first times I had coffee was probably around the age of seven or eight. When my out of town grandparents would visit and stay with us for a few days they were coffee drinkers and had some brewing all the time. I would drink some when they were visiting but as soon as they left we didn't make coffee in the house.

The great grandmother drank it black, I took a sip like that and I can't understand how anyone can drink that stuff without sweetener.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

the same way people can drink tea or beer without sweetener, I suppose.

Sugar masks the flavours, & black is the only way. Milk in it is akin to water added to wine.

If you haven't given it a go since you were a kid, perhaps give it another try?

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

Except not. Cream in coffee enhances the richness imo.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

Richness perhaps, but not flavour.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

I tried it once in college and I think another time a few years later. Don't like it at all.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

14ish? But that was with the horrors of instant. I've been drinking the good stuff for only 8 years. You soon realise just how grim instant is, & it's surprising just how many are happy to keep drinking it. I remember Nescafe bringing out instant tea, which was revolting & sank pretty quickly, & yet instant coffee is all over the place.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

Never started. Obviously I know what it tastes like which is why I don't get how people can drink it everyday. Yuck.

Yeah, well I get claustrophobic sucking strange dick!

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

I drink it black, I love the bitter richness, especially of an Italian espresso, it has a distinct charred flavor

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

I was in 11th grade. My parents wouldn't allow me and my sibs to drink coffee any earlier than that.

Don't mess with me, man! I know karate, judo, ju-jitsu and several other Japanese words.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?


Too Bad You Can't Cure A Psychotic With A Right Hook.

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

Not until I was about 30. Two things happened that changed my dislike of coffee.
1) Apparently my inner chemistry changed after my third child was born.
2) I was fussing to a friend about how I loved the fragrant aroma of fresh coffee but hated coffee; loved coffee ice cream but couldn't stand drinking coffee. That person said: "Maybe what you like is the coffee flavor with all the sweet creaminess that you get in ice cream. Try using sugar and lots of milk in your coffee." That did it. I've been drinking it ever since!

Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

That kind of happened to meeveryone in my family drank coffee but I was never all that interestedtried it a few times but wasn't impressed. I remember my brother was desparate to drink it so he could fit in, lol. As an adult I realized I loved the smell of coffee but didn't know if it was because I legitimately liked it or if it just brought back memories. I then made some ganash cupcakes one time that had coffee in them and omg, they were heaven. So I started eating coffee candies and all that and tried coffee again as an adult but honestly, I only really like one thing off the Starbucks (and McDonald's) menu-caramel macchiato plus I get a pump of chocolate. I finally got one of the single cup coffee makers and do use it here and there, but I have an array of things I put in it, lol. Drinking it black might happen if I was out in very cold weather for a long time but that doesn't happen much down here. Like I wouldn't rule it out, but I love my additives.

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Re: How old were you when you first started drinking coffee?

Never have and never will drink coffee. I'll stick to my cup of English Breakfast!