The Soapbox : The reason INTJ personalities are rare

The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Because the majority of them do not want to have children for a number of reasons. One of them being is that children are expensive. I only had children because their father's begged me to.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I didn't think personality types were inherited. Are you INTJ?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Yes I am INTJ. I dunno if personalities are genetic or if they are learned from whichever parent the child imprints on. I don't know if there is a connection because personalities are shaped from a lot of other factors.

It's an interesting question. I may research it.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare


Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I don't recall what I am. Time to test . . . again.

Life can be arbitrary and comes without a warranty.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare


Life can be arbitrary and comes without a warranty.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I'm an INTJ and I do not want to have children for this reason. I can totally relate.

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I just took one and got a different result. Ever test that I've taken has always resulted in INTJ. This time I got ISTP(-A/-T) The Logician.

It's because I took it a different way. Rather than answering the question by relying on the wisdom that I've learned in life, and how things work in a real life scenario when I am trying to conform to normal/conventional thinking of the majority or what works best in my career and my various coping mechanisms for being INTJ, I a bit more honest with my answers. I still lied just a little though.

Still ISTPs are a rare personality type according to the site where I took the test. I guess I'm just a rare person no matter what I do or how I think.

But as a INTJ I've never wanted to be tied down with children. But since they are here, I love them to death. They are my possessions and I am very stingy with my possessions. I always try to make thibgs a little more fun when I'm around my kids because the monotony of routine bores me to death. That's why message boards are my preferred social outlet. The convenience of getting an instant response and interacting with many different types of people keeps my day from being just about doing chores, helping with homework, working to support my family etc..
I hardly get out to do something for myself. This message board is my outlet.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Well, INTJ and ISTP might be a rare personality type, but your personality type doesn't decide how rare of a person you are. Everyone is rare in their own way.

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Obviously everyone has their own uniqueness. But as far as personalities are concerned, mine is very rare. I hate it too. It's too hard to make friends because everyone has this inherent need to conform regardless of whether their decision is morally sound, rational or logical. Most people are way to fickle and emotional. They don't appreciate the variety of personalities. They don't like people who aren't like them.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

By saying it is difficult to make friends with people because they are to fickle, emotional and not liking people who aren't like them

not liking people who aren't like you?

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Who are you?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

just a kid why

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

People don't always get along with each other therefore I think what you said was unfair. Anyway you're just some kid. You don't know what you're talking about.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

yeah, your right
but I'm an INTJ kid so I love to debate

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I don't think that this board or website in general is kid friendly. You may want to go somewhere more appropriate for kids. Okay?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

well I need my parents permission to go to the Disney channel website, so

pornhub here I come!!

Did he just throw my cat out of the window?

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Scam, kid!

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I'm also INTJ and don't want children.

I'm a vet and people are constantly asking me why I don't adopt animals it's just not in my personality to take care of other things, when I have so much about myself to take care of I guess

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

What a load of crap these tests are. You change your personality any time you want.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Not true. Most people are who they are and cannot mask their nature.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

you are a lazy person is what you are

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

And you're ugly.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Everytime I take those tests I come up with a different result. I am always "I" and "F" and "J" though. But the "S" or "N" can vary on how I may answer the questions that day.

I can usually recognize a "T" though just by their posting style. They are the type to say what they think and don't care if they hurt your feelings.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I've noticed that posting style more from S' s than T's
PS everyone on this thread except you is a T..Pinky is the only S here.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

Because they value honesty more than wanting to be liked.

Re: The reason INTJ personalities are rare

I've taken around three or four of these personality tests online, but never an official one in some professional psychological environment, and each time I've taken it, I've gotten INTJ, so I think it's probable that I am of this type.

I don't believe there is any real correlation with being an INTJ personality type and not wanting children. I've always wanted children. I even wanted them early in life because raising children is a long term process, and it's simply physically less demanding to raise them when you're younger than when you're older. I never understood this silly modern idea of women waiting until they're in their mid-thirties to have kids which is irrationally late despite advances in medical sciences. This is contra-biology and scientifically less healthy. I think INTJ personality types keep to themselves more often, are less spontaneous and more controlled, more constrained with their libido, more rational than emotional, etc., and that is why they have less children and there may be fewer of this particular personality type. I don't think it has anything to do with not wanting children per se, but it's possible.

I want a unicorn.