The Soapbox : My ex won't leave me alone.

My ex won't leave me alone.

My ex and I had a good run while it lasted, we did a lot together, but we fought a lot. We lived together for a short period and she ended up being crazy. I have so many stories. In just one example out of many, she bought an Everyday Loves Raymond DVD for us to watch together. I told her thanks, but not tonight, that I was sick, (I was). A few weeks later I'm home alone and bored, so I decide to pop in the DVD and watch an episode

I didn't think it'd be a problem, but she comes home so pissed, shouting, "we were supposed to watch that together!!!!" I cannot explain into words her violent behavior in that moment. At one point I had to restrain her because she was hitting me. Then she leaves - I assume she left because she was mad and wanted some space, right? NOPE. That would be normal. She comes back in 10 minutes later - it turns out she was looking through my car. I was super pissed now telling her what right did she have to just go in my car like thatand I had a brand new car at that time.

So anyway, when we did break up, I felt it was best to just part ways: at first she was really persistent in contacting me when I never replied back, then she eventually stopped doing it so often, but 8 years later, she still sends me one text about 5 times a year with a "hey what's up, what have you been up to?" "Are you alive" etc.

I never reply, and then 3 months later she'll do it again. So I'm wondering if this is going to be ongoing for the rest of my life lol. I mean it's tolerableI can deal with one text every few months. It's just funny how crazy she is.

You're never fully dressed without a smile.

Re: My ex won't leave me alone.

was she the clean one that always showered before sexy time?

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Re: My ex won't leave me alone.

Oh God no. I was really in love with that one. I was torn when we broke up, when she cheated on me. It took me like a full year to get truly over her. We went over 3 full years without contacting, and then just recently she added me on Snapchat. We still don't talk much because it's awkward for both of us, butshe's there. She ended up getting pregnant with the guy with whom she cheated on me, too. Only 2 weeks after we broke up. Talk about adding gasoline to a fire.

You're never fully dressed without a smile.

Re: My ex won't leave me alone.

didnt u make up a story a few months back about how u missed ur ex and how she smelled great and had a great tasting and smelling pink pussy? or was that another ex?

Re: My ex won't leave me alone.

Skin up a fat one.